Whether you’re in the office or at home – you should always work smart!
Here are our team’s top tips for effective home working…
Avoid desk lunches
Eating lunch away from your desk or work space is a great way to ensure you get a proper break in the middle of the working day, and allows for a break from screen time.
Leave the house
Whether it’s before work, during your lunch break or once you’ve finished for the day, leaving the house is crucial for getting some fresh air and clearing your mind.
Keep moving
No matter how busy you are, it’s really important to try and get up and move hourly.
Making a cup of tea, stretching your legs or washing up your coffee mug – these are all simple ways to make sure you keep moving.
Tidy desk, tidy mind
A cluttered desk can have a massive impact on productivity levels.
Ensuring you keep things tidy will help improve your work rate throughout the day.

Prep for the slump
The 3 o’clock slump is a real thing, so pay attention to it.
3pm is a great time to eat a potassium rich snack, such as a banana, to help you power through till the end of the day!
Video catch ups
Regular video calls with your team are a great opportunity to see people’s faces and mimic an office environment as best as possible.
Family first
Interruptions from children whilst working from home are bound to occur.
The best approach is to just accept that it will happen from time to time and be understanding when it happens to your colleagues too!
Shut down properly
Be sure to shut down your computer properly and tidy away any work related items at the end of the day – this will allow you to properly switch off.