It allows you to ensure everything is included that should be, in the right way, and in a way that will give you the best chance of success.
However, there are many ways that a bid review process can be inefficient and even ineffective.
In this resource, we’ll talk you through how to improve your bid reviews.
Book time in advance
This is essential to improving your bid reviews. The nature of the bid programme means that there are strict deadlines that must be adhered to.
If you’re in a rush to submit your bid, you simply won’t allow enough time to properly review it.
A good way of ensuring you allow enough time is to book the time in advance.
Get your reviews booked into people’s diaries at the start of the bid period, even if it’s just a placeholder!
This ensures that the right people are available and they understand their role in the process.
Give clear requirements
In your bid review process, it’s crucial that reviewers know what stage the response is at and what is expected of them in the review.
This sounds obvious, but giving properly clear requirements to reviewers is one of the most common and easy ways to improve your bid reviews.
Make sure to give reviewers some guidance as to the percentage complete of the response at each stage, and what it is you want them to do.
Clarity is everything, particularly when it comes to requirements.

Do ‘live’ reviews
Using a platform, such as Microsoft Teams, enables all reviewers to comment on the same document.
This avoids having to send documents back and forth to people.
With these programmes, multiple reviewers can comment at the same time and it becomes a much more fluid and collaborative process.
Plus, it means reviewers can see comments from others, which prevents duplication of work and effort.
Live reviews save time and effort, and create a more collaborative process – thus, improving your bid reviews.
Involve the right people
Depending on the size of the bid, you may need different people to review at different stages.
Make sure you have a mix of subject matter experts, senior decision makers and an independent expert.
This will ensure the responses are representing the company correctly, including all agreed win themes and differentiators.
Speak to the experts
As part of our bid support services, we offer expert bid evaluation and reviewing.
With decades of combined experience, a one in two win rate, and an incredibly diverse selection of specialisms – our bid support can help take your bid reviews to the next level.
Helping your bid process work smarter, and helping you win more work.
Get in touch with our team today.